Two Common Toenail Conditions That Harm Your Feet

Two Common Toenail Conditions That Harm Your Feet

Our feet are precious assets that need constant protection and care; otherwise, they are susceptible to numerous hazards and problems. Toenails too can fall prey to infections, pain, and suffering.

We must examine our toenails frequently and look for signs like discoloration, change in texture or swelling around the nail area. Two major toenail conditions that you should be aware of are:

  • Fungal toenails: This is when the toenail starts to change color and becomes thick due to fungal infection. Fungi exist in damp and moist places and can easily settle under the toenails when the opportunity arises. Closed shoes, public washrooms, and non-absorbent socks are common places for fungal proliferation.
  • Ingrown toenails: This condition occurs when the toenail starts to push inside the tender skin around the nail area. The constant pressure can lead to swelling, redness, and pain in the affected areas. Knowing how to cut and shape your nails is important, as that can increase or decrease the chances of this occurrence.

Since precaution is better than cure, here are a few tips to protect your toenails from harm:

  • Regular inspection for any signs of change.
  • Avoid closed and tight shoes as they push your toenails hard against each other and can cause deformities as well.
  • Wash your feet and dry them properly.
  • In case of infection, apply anti-fungal ointment to stop the fungi from spreading.
  • For severe cases, advanced laser treatments are available to treat the infected toenails.

At Joseph Stuto, DPM, we have the latest technology and vast experience to diagnose and treat different foot and toenail conditions. Our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Joseph Stuto is known for his expertise in foot and ankle care.

Visit us at our two convenient office locations in Brooklyn (718) 567-1403 and Brooklyn Heights (718) 624-753, NY for guidance on foot health related issues, or call us to schedule your appointment today.


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